Tuesday, July 23, 2013


So did anybody watch the CrossFit Games announcement?! Crazy what Dave Castro continues to come up with every year!

Here is the WOD today promise no 21,097m row.

Back Squat
55% 5x5
65% 5x5
75% 5x5

"Fight Gone Bad"
3 or 5 Rounds
1 min Wallball @ 20/14lbs
1 min Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 75/55lbs
1 min Box Jumps @ 20"
1 min push press @ 75/55 lbs
1 min row
1 min rest between rounds

Scale accordingly if you are feeling active do five rounds, feeling a little beat up do three rounds.

1 comment:

  1. I was actually doing this one anyways today!

    The gym I'm at doesn't have wall balls or a row machine so I subbed 35# thrusters and bent over barbell rows. Didn't add right and did the first round at 65#. Did the next two at 55#. Total reps was 224.
