Friday, April 19, 2013


Alright Frigsciles, just a couple of reminders! The competition is this Sunday at 3 pm if you have not signed up yet do so it is going to be a great test of what we have been working towards. Also I talked to the morning group about the contest that I entered our group into. There are 15 grand prizes of $5000, given out to the small business that receives the most votes. So go visit this link and vote every day, that is right you can vote once per day! So go do it, like now!

Okay on to business....

400 m run
Bull dawg Warm up
5 push ups
10 sit ups
15 squats

Bench @50% 1RM
Deadlift @50% 1RM
Squat @ 50% 1RM

So the goal of this workout is to test your muscular endurance. Tabata is 8 rounds of 20 sec work followed by 10 sec rest. This will be difficult, the way you score this is the lowest number of reps for that movement.

So for example if you do six reps for 7 out of the 8 rounds on squat but then only get four the last round that four becomes your score.

Post reps and weight used to comments! DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!


  1. Tabata:

    Deadlift: 6 Reps at 115#
    Backsquat: 5 Reps at 75#
    Bench Press: 5 Reps at 65#

    Love Tabata days!

  2. Deadlift: 5 Reps at 55#
    Backsquat: 3 Reps at 45#
    Bench Press: 5 Reps at 45#

  3. In order,

    Back squat: 6 @ 70lbs
    Bench: 6 @ 60lbs
    Deadlift: 6 @ 105lbs

    Also played tennis and wallyball today.

  4. Bench - 6 reps at 95#
    Squat - 7 reps at 115#
    Deadlift - 9 reps at 115#

  5. Bench: 4 reps at 45#
    Deadlift: 9 reps at 65#
    Squat: 5 reps at 65#

  6. Squat: 5 #160
    Deadlift: 3 #157
    Bench: 5 #110
