Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Good morning, everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather. I left the gym in shorts and a t-shirt, and it felt awesome. I'm thinking some outdoor wods will be coming to a workout near you! I also don't want anyone to forget about our upcoming cookout tentatively planned for Friday, May 3rd at Venlo Place. We are eating burgers and brats for time. Just kidding. A grill will be provided, so feel free to bring your own meat and drinks. More updates to follow on that. Good job, morning group. Make sure to post the weight you used for the push press and overhead lunges as well as K2E (knees to elbows) or sit-ups. Post your times to the comments!

Run 400m
Lunges 20ft
Inch worms 20ft
Lunges w/twist 20ft
High knees 20ft
10 Dislocates
5 Around the Worlds

Wendler 5RM Shoulder Press

10 Push Press
10 Overhead Lunges
10 K2E (20 sit-ups)

See everyone else at 8:30 class tonight!


  1. WOD: 10.22, 95#, K2E

  2. WOD: 75 lb push press, and lunges. 13.31

  3. WOD: 13:00, bar for push press, 20# overhead lunges, and sit ups.

  4. WOD: 13:55 PP 70lbs OHL: bar K2E 3 sets, then switched to sit-ups because my form was bad an I wasn't making it up all the way.

  5. 12:10 with the bar for both push press and overhead lunges and did 20 sit-ups

    On a side note I did 3 extra sets because Justin Cooper didn't want to do them alone :) so I did a total of 8 rounds

  6. WOD: 11:09 with push press (45#), 10 OH lunges (45#) and 20 situps

  7. WOD:12.52 push press (45#), 10 OH lunges (45#), and K2E!!

  8. 7:41 w/ 65 lb push press and overhead lunges
